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We are working to expand our ministries and involve more of our congregation in different aspects.  If you see an area that you'd like to volunteer your time and talents in, please let us know!  We also need "captains" for each area that will be responsible for organizing and delegating.  Check back often as we make updates to this page.



Join our prayer team to be an on-call prayer warrior.  When a member of our church has a need for feverent prayer, they may contact one of the prayer "captains" to start the prayer line.  All prayer line participants are notified of the need and asked to keep lifting the person or family up in prayer.  The prayer team may be called to action for illness, injury, or blessings, like the birth of a baby or an engagement.

Visitation Team


Visit with our church members -- homebound, nursing home residents, hospitalized, etc.  Serve communion sacrements, pray, or just catch up on life events when someone in our congregation becomes hospitalized or for our elderly members who cannot make it to our Sunday services.

Sunday school


Kathy Cordner is our Sunday school superintendent.  Team up with her to teach a class, provide a snack, donate supplies, or meet another need that may be unfulfilled.



There are several aspects that you could lend a hand to with our youth.  First and foremost would be to bring more children into our services.  You can also jump in and work with Carole Brown on cantata performances, volunteer to supervise the youngsters during Sunday worship services, restart our youth group, or plan our next VBS.



Our Praise and Worship team is always in need of extra voices to join them on Sunday mornings.  Talent is not required.

Community service


We have a plethora of community service projects that could use more hands.  Prepare and/or serve wake luncheons, organize fundraisers, welcome new families to town, lend a hand with church maintenance projects, participate in worship service activities, become a greeter, and so many more opportunities are available and need you to share your time, talents, and blessings.

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